Some basic webdesign tips

Targeted Traffic – Why you need targeted traffic to your website

Identify your target visitor! Prepare a detailed description of the audience you are seeking. What age group, what education level, geographic location, language, economic background etc.

It makes no sense to have tons of visitors to a site that lets say sells sports cars but the visitor looks for cookie recipes. If you want to sell cars get the visitor that looks for cars and you will sell.

It is not the same to design for a computer nerd seeking the latest software, a grandmother looking for a present for her grandchildren, a top manager seeking the latest stock market quotes or information on investments in your area or a tourist trying to find a nice hotel and travel information etc.

Secondly define what you want them to get out of your site! Do you want to sell to them directly? getting a sales lead with information on there needs? let them know a new product is on the market? promoting your new image or service? getting there e-mail for later contacts or giving them information to cut cost in distributing newsletters or instruction manuals?? etc.

Match your objectives and your target audience’s needs.

Don’t overload your pages
You can’t see the forest for the trees

Surely you noticed while surfing around the web of what pages are easy to “overview” and where you get lost in finding the right answer or link. See for example the Homepage design of Google and how simple it is to get around , often less content is better but be concise and always think in your visitor. What his needs are and what he might be looking for.

Don’t overload your pages with text and pictures, try to make your message short and to the point.
With too much text and information the surfer gets lost and might not find the what he is looking for.

Now clearly content comes first, but it needs to be presented in a way the ready can get fast to the part of info he or she needs. So the presentation is important and it may make sense to slice the content up in subsections with a clear index so its easier to surf fast to where one wants to go. Remember online the visitor hast only little patience to stay around and clicking back out is often the result over either slow page loads or one cant seam to find what one is searching for.



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